Technology News and Trends is a platform where businesses, startups, entrepreneurs and tech savvy come each day for trending news and updates of technology. At TNT we cover news of major technology categories such as Communication, Culture, Science, Gears and Transportation. We welcome the tech writers of all these categories to contribute as a guest author at TNT.
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Nevas Technologies, Inc is an information technology enabler and solutions provider for enterprises worldwide. For 10 + years, we have been enabling businesses achieve their desired outcomes using innovative, emerging and agile software solutions and services.

From new product development and product advancement to product migration, re-engineering, sustenance and support we provide complete Software Product Lifecycle Management services. By leveraging our experience in product engineering, we bring products to market faster, with high quality and reduced costs. Today our portfolio includes, Business Solutions (CRM, ERP, and ECM)Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics & Data Warehousing, Enterprise Infrastructure & Managed Services.

Onshore, Offshore or on Near shore, we always make it possible for our clients to leverage best of the technology and solutions. Our customer base includes large corporate organizations as well as medium to small sized businesses across a broad range of verticals, as well as respected leaders in Finance & Banking, Insurance, Life Sciences, Telecommunications, Retail, Manufacturing and Government.

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