Good Conversation Starters With Girls



Let’s say that i’m sitting in a bar or some cafe, how can I just start a conversation, without making it sound awkward and without getting a painful rejection?

What can I say so she just enters a friendly conversation with me? Because I believe that anything else is simple – I am a nice and interesting guy, so the only problem i have is with starting everythings.

Good Conversation Starters


You can’t achieve a 100% success when approaching women. Forget it. As a man, you should be always ready for the chance of being rejected, and there is no reason to feel bad if a woman rejects you. Remember – she doesn’t reject you (because she doesn’t know you), she rejects some man she doesn’t know. It might be you conversation starter, or it might be just her bad mood.

There are many conversation starters you can you:
You can be just direct, and tell her that you this she is cute and wanted to see if she’s also interesting. This is direct approach, but IT WORKS in many cases. Being honest is a good way to approach women.

However, many men have fear of being rejected in this way, and being direct seems the most painful way for rejection.

So you can also use indirect openers. How to be indirect? There are many examples of being indirect. The point is to approach a woman, not conveying any interest towards her.

You can ask a girl a question and have a chat about her opinion (it’s called opinion opener). You can tell her that you like some guys butt (being very indirect, making her think you are gay). You can tell her that you like her other friend (I like this opener and use it a lot).

There are many other examples. I suggest that you read my post about opening conversation

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