<img width="349" src="https://asianmassagestores.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/7/Healing-Path-Massage-and-Reflexology-4-new.jpg">Regular massage can help you feel more calm and calm, according to research. A recent study on the effects of massage on the nervous system has shown that it enhances the release of two neurotransmitters within the brain: GABA and glutamate. These chemical compounds are responsible for relaxation as well as anxiety reduction and mood enhancement. Similar research has also shown an rise in serotonin which controls brain mood. https://squareblogs.net/planezipper4/advantages-and-benefits-of-massage-therapy Another study performed on the effect of massage on anxiety found that it heightened trait anxiety (a fear of social situations) However, only the women. The impact of massage on anxiety wasn't apparent in men. The effects of massage on anxiety are not solely restricted to the nervous system, but also to the skin. It was concluded that increased relaxation and stimulation of the soft tissues in massage boost the "feel good" chemicals in the brain . This causes immediate release of stress hormones.The lymphatic system is also affected by massage. The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating harmful substances from our bodies. The benefits are twofold. The lymphatic system assists in the removal of waste products from blood. Additionally, the lymphatic system assists in restoring the balance of chemical levels in the body by removing toxins that can to cause an imbalance in the chemical levels.A study recently that was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology showed the impact of massage on anxiety. Two groups of participants received either a cold compress or a massage. The first group noticed an increased heart rate while the other did not. The research concluded that the increase in heart rate was due to the cortisol stress hormone being elevated and the decreased endorphin was resulted from the decrease in serotonin levels.Many massage therapists believe that massage has an immediate effect on skin. Therapists of massage believe that kneading and rubbing help to eliminate dead skin cells and also bring the layers of skin to be closer to the surface. This effect on the skin is referred to as an "depersonalization effect" by a variety of massage therapists and it is believed that massage could also ease the anxiety many people experience when faced by stressful situations, for example, job interviews and social gatherings.While the effects of massage on sleep quality have not been fully researched One theory suggested is the "sleep hygiene" impact. Based on this theory, if one sleeps better, your body will produce less cortisol (a stress hormone). Another theory is that better sleep can lead to less stress, and more alertness to the environment. The effects that massage therapy is having on the body might help to explain the results found in these studies.If you're experiencing difficulty getting to sleep at night, or you wake every night feeling less tired than like you ought to consider it time to seek massage therapy. The benefits of massage therapy for the nervous system and digestive system are well-documented. There is evidence that massage therapy can be beneficial to the nervous system and circulation system. Many find that regular massage therapy allows people to sleep peacefully and feel rejuvenated and relaxed after a long day at work or at school.

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