Anytime you get the chance to act on something instead of merely verbalizing, then do it. Also, get use to TELLING women what to do. For instance, you could have said "Hey, what're you doing on X day". and if she says "nothing", then you TELL HER that you're going out to dinner or something.

I believe I even had a few posts up on acting. Also, I think there is a post on two where something similar occurred with Freckles.

March 1, 2010 12:45:00 PM EST
Vigilante said...
Hey man thanks for the reply.

Yeah my intentions were in the right place and she was sitting down while I was standing I mean if I got an inclination that she would be willing to do it I would have...but then I started to feel like she isn't showing as much emotion (even though that is the way she is...boring) so I didn't see an opportunity to act. Again I could have said come here and would have had to take the rejection if she said no...

So if a girl says no I don't want to in this situation there is pretty much nothing that will ever happen I assume.

It just ended up not becoming a great situation.

i see what you are saying and in this is better to kind of get closer to the girl and try to make a move and if she goes for it great...and if not then not...but you are basically saying better to act than talk to much about it and make her think about it too much.

I think I understand.

So I should have done like a half verbalize half act type thing...

She really gave me no opening when alone with her to make a move so it kind of sucked... and I guess it just wasn't happening.

On another note I would ask her to dinner and stuff like that and she would always accept and it was never clearly established that we were just friends...but in her head I guess she established that and didn't see the problem going to dinner with me without saying it's just as a friend thing...which would really be her job...

Basically bottom line is she is kind of a bitch and thinks she's entitled to having guys treat her and leading guys on so she can satisfy her emotional needs...and only doing what she wants because she is attractive.

Sad but that was the reality.

March 2, 2010 1:32:00 PM EST
Vigilante said...

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