Bizarrely, and initially worryingly, I found myself becoming more feminine after B became head of the household. It was entirely of my own volition, too. It took me a while to realise that far from anything sinister happening, I was actually starting to take care again over how I looked. And, fortunately, I look far better in boot-cut jeans than I do in any style skirt :)

More surprisingly, I've found myself being better at being strong/dominant at work. And at home, I am far from being meek and weak-willed. But I am submissive to B - simply put, when it comes to a clash of wills, he is far stronger than I am.


"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Hamlet, somewhere.

by ConfusedOfHomeCounties on 2004 Jul 16 - 21:32 | reply to this comment
Naturally natural..
You have brought up a very good point.

I am naturally a confident woman. I am sure minded, footed and have intent.

I expect things to go my way.

Gary is well aware of my I am of his.

He is greatly attracted to my strengths and we draw on them often.

Yet, as you point out, it also allows me to submit to Gary when he calls for it, or when he doesn't, as the only rule being I am only allowed to submit to him.

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